What is Mantra?

A mantra is a sacred utterance, prayer, sound, syllable, or vibration that focuses the mind to evoke a meditative state. With repetition the powerful sound vibration sinks deeper and deeper into your consciousness to evoke higher states of awareness.

The word mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words – manas meaning ‘mind’ and tra meaning ‘tool’ or ‘vehicle’, translating as an instrument or tool for the mind to become one pointed.

Mantra is different than an affirmation or intention as they belong to religious and spiritual traditions and hold significance in their connection to the Divine/Source/God/Consciousness/Nature, (or however you choose to name it).

The Vedic scriptures, which house the roots of yogic teachings, emphasize a profound connection between speech and prana (life force energy). When mantra’s are spoken or chanted, they direct the flow of prana throughout the internal system to energize and access spiritual states of consciousness.

In japa (repetition) meditation a mantra is repeated usually 108 times with the use of a mala to keep track. The repetition brings the mind into one pointed concentration so that the resonance of the words or sound become a living energy within to shift your inner state.

If you’d like to give it a try, below are a few mantras to get you started in your practice!

Sat Nam

“True identity”

With sat meaning ‘truth’ and nam meaning ‘name’, this mantra speaks to the alignment of the inner Self with absolute truth as its essence.

So Hum

“I am that”

This mantra invites consciousness to expand from constriction to freedom through the recognition that you are already that – whole, complete, one with all of existence.

Om Namah Shivaya

“I bow to Shiva

This 5-syllable mantra represents the 5 elements: na - earth, ma - water, shi - fire, va - air, and ya - ether. With Shiva as the lord of destruction, this mantra can be used to spark renewal, transformation and transcendence.


The 5 paths of yoga