Yoga is

Yoga is you connecting to You, connecting to the body’s intrinsic intelligence, connecting to the inner wisdom that is woven into each conscious breath, in each conscious moment, illuminated in each conscious being, as you shift your awareness to receive, to realign, to remember what is already known. Yoga is meeting yourself as you listen to your inner world and let it reverberate to the outer world. Yoga is skill in action. It is the discernment that leads you from the unreal to the real. It is freedom appearing as bondage. It is even beyond freedom. Yoga is withdrawal, yet total absorption. Being 100% involved and at the same time unattached. Yoga is the only thing unchanging within the field of change. The only thing permanent within the field of impermanence. Yoga is discovering the dynamism of the depths of who you are and witnessing those same depths in everyone around you. Yoga is unity, pure, free, forever, boundless, undifferentiated, birthless, deathless, blissful, truth.


The road to Samādhi: Ashtānga Yoga – the eight-limbed path